Is Your Appeal for Need or Vision?
In raising funds, it is critical how we make our appeal. Which of these approaches are you using? Need, or Vision? Way too often our focus is on NEED when it should really be on VISION. For example,...
View Article3 Types of Pledged Support
As people raise support many focus on asking just for one type of pledged support. That is monthly support, but there are actually 3 types of pledged support. It is vital that you use all 3 types of...
View Article3 Ways to Respond to a Special Gift
If a person is unable to provide a pledged gift, ask them for a special gift. Here are 3 ways to respond to a special gift. 1. Thank them for their special gift. People need to be thanked and if you...
View Article2 Types of “No” When Asking for a Gift
There are two types of “No” answers you might receive when asking for a gift. What are they, and how should you respond? The first type of “No” is what I call a Soft No. You might hear something like:...
View Article2 Fund Raising Obstacles
Life is full of obstacles, and here are 2 fund raising obstacles. First Obstacle: The Fear Factor Fund raising can be challenging but along with it sometimes comes fear. This fear can come in many...
View Article2 Types of Thank You’s
When you get down to it, there are 2 different types of thank you’s. They both are so different and yield different results. The first approach is feeling thankful but not expressing appreciation. It...
View Article5 Excuses for Not Raising Funds
I wonder how many excuses you can come up with when it comes to raising funds. I can think of five. My pastor, Jim Nite at the Center Point Community Church in Naples, Florida, had a sermon on Moses....
View ArticleCommunication Preferences of Your Donors
One of the biggest frustrations of a fund raiser is trying to connect with your donors. Here is some help. Learning the communication preferences of your donor can make a significant difference and...
View Article3 Questions You Need to Ask
Here is some vital information you need to get from your prospects or donors. There are 3 questions you need to ask. 1. What do they like to give to? If you are raising your personal support, you need...
View ArticleUtilizing a Ministry Diary
Have you ever sat down to write a prayer letter or maybe an appeal for your organization and you simply draw a blank? You try your best to think of a story to tell or a testimony of God working in your...
View ArticleReading Body Language
If you are to be successful as a fund raiser it is critical that you practice reading the body language of your prospect and donors. I can give you many scenarios but here are a few: You share how the...
View ArticleCelebrate with your Donors
Make it a practice to look for ways to celebrate with your donors. For example: Birthdays and especially milestone birthdays Spouse birthday Wedding anniversary and in particular a special anniversary...
View Article3 Fund Raising Mistakes to Avoid
As you end this year and prepare to begin a new one, remember that there are 3 fund raising mistakes, all of which can be avoided. 1. Not setting up the appointment correctly. I had met with a prospect...
View Article3 Fund Raising Fears
Fear is a common experience when it comes to fund raising. Here are 3 fears you will find 1. Fear or not getting the appointments. You know that if you don’t get the appointment, you will not get the...
View Article3 Different Types of Face-to-Face Meetings
All face-to-face meetings do not have to be asking for funds. Here are 3 different types of face-to-face meetings. 1. Meeting to build a relationship with a prospect. You will find in many situations...
View Article3 Questions On Your Donor’s Mind
As you communicate with your donors and prospects, recognize that there are 3 questions that need to be answered by you: 1. What is your financial goal? Your donors need to have you articulate that...
View Article4 Critical Fund Raising Skills
If you are to be successful in raising funds, there are 4 critical skills you need to master. 1. Securing an Appointment over the Phone Meeting one-on-one is critical to raising funds. Here are some of...
View Article3 Fund Raising Things You Can’t Control
As you work with your donors, it is extremely important that you understand what you can and cannot control. People Raising is a ministry that not only teaches you how to raise funds but also how to...
View ArticleThe Forgotten Piece of Fundraising
You could prepare an effective fund raising plan, and execute it perfectly, but miss the forgotten piece of fund raising. What I’m talking about is saying “thank you.” So many face the challenge of...
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